

The current version (0.9.4) can be downloaded below. It also contains the source code in the directory "src", as well as a build file (for ant) in "extras".


Running the program requires that you have Java 5.0 (also called Java 1.5.0) installed. Only the JRE is needed for running the program.

It is also recommended that you have the "JAVA_HOME" environment variable set to the path where Java is installed.


Simply unzip the file you aquired above to a directory of your choice. A directory called "srmccp-0.9.4" will be created there, which contains the program files.

To run the program, start either "" (for Linux) or "srmccp.bat" (for Windows) contained in this directory.

For further configuration options and other information, refer to the "readme.txt" file contained in the same directory.